A dicha conferencia asistieron profesionales de distintas organizaciones, estudiantes de universidades y miembros de la AGA. Dentro de los temas abordados se expuso acerca de : Caracterización Multi-escala, Que son las Gas Shales?, Características comunes, Claves para el control de la producción de gas shales, Caracterización, Fracturabilidad de las rocas (brittleness), Porosidad y análisis estratigráfico.
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Roger M. Slatt currently holds the Lew and Myra Ward Chair in Reservoir Characterization at University of Oklahoma and Director of the Institute ofReservoir Characterization in the Sarkeys Energy Center at OU. He was Director of the School of Geology and Geophysics and Eberly Family Chair Professor at University of Oklahoma from 2000-2006, and the Gungoll Chair Professor of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics in 2006-07. He formerly was Head of the Department of Geology and Geological Engineering at Colorado School of Mines (1992-2000) and Director of the Rocky Mountain Region Petroleum Technology Transfer Council (1995-2000).
After receiving his Ph.D. in 1970 from the University of Alaska, he taught geology for 8 years at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Arizona StateUniversity. He then spent 14 years in the petroleum industry with Cities Service Research, ARCO Research, and ARCO International Oil and Gas. Co.before joining Colorado School of Mines in 1992. He has published over 100 papers and abstracts, and has made numerous presentations on the subjects of petroleum geology, reservoir geology, seismic and sequence stratigraphy, shallow marine and turbidite depositional systems, geology of shale, glacial and Pleistocene-Quaternary geology, and geochemical exploration. He sits on various professional society committees, has organized technical conferences for American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), and teaches short courses for industry and AAPG on the “Introduction to the petroleum geology of deep-water (turbidite) depositional systems” and on “Principles of geologic reservoir characterization”. He also offers a global, web-based course on “Introduction to geologic reservoir characterization” to people from many different countries. He has taught his two courses in many places in the U.S., as well as in many countries, including Colombia, Mexico, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Angola, India, New Zealand, Scotland, andEngland.
While employed in the international oil and gas industry, he had the opportunity, as Director of Reservoir Evaluation, to study numerous oil and gas fields and exploration prospects worldwide, and to make recommendations to senior management for international investment. Many of Dr. Slatt’s publications have dealt with the subject of exploration for, and development of deepwater submarine fan (turbidite; basin floor fan) oil and gas reservoirs. He is considered an expert on deepwater submarine fan exploration and development, and has worked in both industry and as a consultant on many such reservoirs globally. In late 2006 he completed co-authoring a book titled: Introduction to the Petroleum Geology of Deepwater Settings, published by American Association of Petroleum Geologists. He also completed a book in late 2006 titled Stratigraphic Reservoir Characterization for Petroleum Geologists, Geophysicists, and Engineers, published by Elsevier. Also in 2006, he organized the 26th Annual Gulf Coast Assoc. Sedimentary Geologists (GCSSEPM) conference, titled Reservoir Characterization: Integrating Technology and Business Practices, and was chief editor of a CD book comprised of papers from that conference. Since 2002, he has taught a web-based course semi-annually for AAPG titled Introduction to Geologic Reservoir Characterization.
In 1996 he received the AAPG Distinguished Service Award. In 1999 he was the Esso Australia Distinguished Lecturer in Petroleum Geology. In 2001-2, he was an AAPG Distinguished Lecturer, giving a presentation titled “Outcrop/behind outcrop characterization of deepwater (turbidite) petroleum reservoir analogs: why and how”. In 2002-3, he offered the same presentation as an SPE Distinguished Lecturer in 2003. In 2003, he was awarded with AAPG Honorary Membership. In 2006 he received the AAPG Grover Murray Distinguished Educator Award.