Combining Bulk Gels and Colloidal Dispersion Gels for Improved Volumetric Sweep Efficiency in a Mature Waterflood

By  E. Muruaga, M. Flores, Tecpetrol; C. Norman, J. Romero - TIORCO INC. May 21, 2009

The Golfo San Jorge (GSJ) is located in the southern Argentina provinces of Santa Cruz and Chubut. This hydrocarbon basin occupies a surface area of approximately 170,000 km2, approximately 1/3 of which is offshore. Waterflood oil recovery in many GSJ reservoirs does not exceed 10% OOIP due to the combined effects of reservoir heterogeneity and, in many fields, an adverse mobility ratio.

The most significant hydrocarbon accumulations of the basin occur in a series of fluvial and shallow lacustrine reservoirs with significant tuffaceous content. A typical GSJ hydrocarbon reservoir includes a series of relatively thin sandstone packages that are not believed to be naturally fractured.

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