Water Management Experience in Mature Basin in South Argentina. Case Study of Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina


Trabajo presentado y expuesto en el 3rd Annual World Congress of Well Stimulation and EOR.  Del 25 al 27 de Abril de  2012 – Xi`an (China). During the oil production in mature fields, the implementation of water flooding projects plays an important role for increasing the oil production and the recovery factor of the reservoirs, and this is the case of the Golfo San Jorge Basin in Patagonia Argentina.

 The Golfo San Jorge basin, located in the central Patagonia, is the oldest productive basin of Argentina where the first economic discovery took place in 1907 in Comodoro Rivadavia. With 13,080 active oil wells (Oct 2011), Golfo San Jorge is the first oil producer basin of Argentina producing 278,000 bpd of oil and 2.9 MMbpd of water. 

More than 2.9 MMbpd of water are injected in 2,700 wells in water flooding projects, therefore 41% of the oil is produced from this method. The continued implementation of these projects,  in company with the drilling of new wells, incorporate water from the reservoirs to the production systems continuously introducing various technical, economic and environmental challenges. As part of a comprehensive water management strategy we can mention different process and considerations which will be discussed in this presentation such as: water treatment, transportation and injection, downhole water control, well integrity management, cost analysis and artificial Lift challengers, among others.

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